Burnout is a condition of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion due to excessive stress. This condition makes a person easily tired emotionally and feels unable to carry out daily responsibilities.
This causes people who experience burnout to lose interest and motivation in all things. This reduces productivity, drains energy, and reduces family and work relationships.
Today social media burnout is when a person becomes so engrossed in social media that it interferes with real-world life, personal activities, work, and school and leaves us emotionally exhausted.
“Burnout is an actual psychological condition that affects one’s outlook on life and work,” Dr. Michaela explains. “If left unaddressed, this cycle can make your day-to-day responsibilities feel devastating, making it difficult to function in every aspect.
However, since the spread of the coronavirus throughout the world, all learning, work, shopping, and social interaction activities are carried out online.
So if I experience this, I usually give myself a break from social media or deactivate some accounts. I do this on the weekends so I can enjoy the day without any worries or triggers from the things I see on social media.
According to Dr. Michaela, 8 Common Signs of Burnout :
1. Feeling easily irritated, frustrated, and overwhelmed.
2. Having little to no motivation to work on your tasks.
3. Lack of sleep, waking up tired, and feelings of heaviness.
4. Emotional fatigue and feeling more pessimistic, cynical, and drained than usual.
5. Compassion fatigue both professionally and personally.
6. Physical exhaustion such as headaches, stomach aches, and weaker immune functioning.
7. Trouble concentrating or paying attention, manifesting into chronic stress.
8. Neglecting your own needs and turning toward unhealthy coping strategies.
Looking at the 8 commons signs of Social Media Burnout above gives us a warning that how bad this distraction can be. We must be able to handle this properly because it will have an impact on our daily lives.
So have you ever experienced Social Media Burnout? and How can you solve it.